Thesaurus for describing a comprehensive repository of mathematical papers written in the Mizar language and computer-verified by the Mizar proof-checker (Mizar Mathematical Library)
Authentication type: No authentication
Nowadays, Knowledge Graphs are important and developing in different areas. However, there is a lack of genuinely interoperable datasets representing mathematics that allow for information exchange between datasets in the Web ecosystem.
We address this matter based on the Mizar Mathematical Library, an essential resource for mathematics fully verified by Mizar software. MML includes definitions and theorems with proofs to which authors can easily refer from newly written Mizar articles.
Explore the Mizar Mathematical Library Knowledge Graph using the publicly available MMLKG Neo4j Browser endpoint. For more Cypher queries examples, refer to our paper.
MATCH (n:`Structure-Pattern`)-[:BROADER]->(o:`Structure-Pattern`) WHERE n.spelling = 'ZeroStr' RETURN n.absolutepatternMMLId, o.spelling, o.absolutepatternMMLId
MATCH (n:Attribute) WHERE n.nonocc IS NOT NULL WITH n.absolutepatternMMLId AS attribute, n.spelling AS spelling, COUNT(n) AS occurrences RETURN attribute, spelling, occurrences
MATCH (p:`Predicate-Pattern`)-[:MEMBER]->(d:`Predicate-Definition`) <-[:MEMBER]-(r:Redefine) WHERE r.occurs = "true" AND p.spelling = "=" RETURN p.absolutepatternMMLId AS redefinition
MATCH (r:`Theorem-Reference`)-[:MEMBER*]->(t:`Theorem-Item`) WHERE r.MMLId = "JORDAN:21" RETURN t.MMLId AS theoremID
MATCH (n:Attribute) WHERE n.nonocc IS NOT NULL WITH n.absolutepatternMMLId AS attribute, n.spelling AS spelling, COUNT(n) AS occurrences WHERE occurrences <= 10 RETURN attribute, spelling, occurrences
MATCH (a:`Text-Proper`)<-[:MEMBER*]-(r:`Conditional-Registration`) <-[:MEMBER]-(c1:`Adjective-Cluster`)<-[:MEMBER]-(a1:Attribute), (r:`Conditional-Registration`)<-[:MEMBER]-(c2:`Adjective-Cluster`) <-[:MEMBER]-(a2:Attribute), (r:`Conditional-Registration`)<-[:MEMBER]-(t:`Standard-Type`) WHERE c1.role = "antecedent" AND c2.role = "consequent" AND a1.spelling = "empty" AND a1.nonocc IS NULL AND t.spelling = "set" RETURN a2.spelling AS spelling LIMIT 15
Authentication type: No authentication
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Bialystok
Semantic Web, Linked Data, Graph Databases, Knowledge Representation
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Bialystok
Property Graphs, Cheminformatics, Semantic Web, Graph Databases, Knowledge Representation
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Bialystok
Formalization of Mathematics, Theorem Proving, Proof Assistants